14–15 Sept 2020
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Discussion and Hands-On Activity

14 Sept 2020, 13:00

M10 A+B


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Morten Jagd Christensen (European Spallation Source ERIC), Tobias Richter (European Spallation Source ERIC), Ümit Ali Cemal Hardal (European Spallation Source ERIC)
14/09/2020, 13:00

Jira Workflow (improve and sign off on confluence document)

Best Practises around tickets and agile

How to integrate GitHub issues

Jonas Nilsson (European Spallation Source ERIC), Matt Clarke (European Spallation Source ERIC), Morten Hilker-Skaaning (European Spallation Source ERIC), Morten Jagd Christensen (European Spallation Source ERIC)
14/09/2020, 13:45

Matt - The Python Side
MHS - C++ experience

Discussion: What should the rules achieve, how strictly should they be enforced?

Specific rules or changes to them:
80 char limit

Matt Clarke (European Spallation Source ERIC)
14/09/2020, 15:05
Jonas Nilsson (European Spallation Source ERIC)
15/09/2020, 09:40

10 min presentation + discussion

Tobias Richter (European Spallation Source ERIC)
15/09/2020, 10:40

attacking them one at a time

Discussion in groups

Building timetable...