Overview, Status Update and Roadmap for Data Acquisition and Experiment Control for Instruments with focus on:
- Device integration
- Event Formation and Raw Data
- Experiment Control
- Integration, Installation and Commissioning
Joint Instrument & DMSC session: Update from DRAM - Data Reduction and Data Analysis
Thomas Holm Rod(European Spallation Source ERIC)
Thomas R
Role of instrument data scientists
Core data reduction (scipp) development status and plans
Instrument specific reduction and analysis for instruments 1-3 & 4-8.
Discussion on user interfaces and experience
Joint Instrument & DMSC session: Discussion
Toby Perring(STFC-UKRI)
DMSC STAP: Update from SWAP - Scientific Web Application
Update from SWAP
Timeline and milestones for SWAP
How have the STAP recommendations been handled?
What has happened since last STAP
Fredrik Bolmsten(European Spallation Source ERIC)