Episode 9: “Training Challenges and Opportunities for ICOs”
During the episode, we will talk about the training challenges and opportunities for ICOs. The invited speakers are Iulianna Van der Lek, Training and Education Officer at CLARIN, who will talk about the challenges for an SSH RI to build a strong relationship with industry and the skills that an ICOs should develop, and Shridhar Jawak, Remote Sensing Officer at SIOS, who will talk about how SIOS is taking steps to involve collaboration with industries and ways to involve industries in SIOS activities.
The discussion will be led by Marco Galeotti, Communication Officer at EMSO. It will take place on Thursday, 25 March 2021 from 15:00 - 15:30 CET.
- Introductions
- Iulianna van der Lek presentation
- Shridhar Jawak presentation
- Q&A session
To register to attend, click the "registration" tab in the menu on the left-hand side of this page. Please do not hesitate to contact us at enriitc@ess.eu if you have any questions.
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ENRIITC is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 871112.