Event Description

#ENRIITCyourCoffee Season 3!

Episode 3: “Bringing Industry into the European Open Science Cloud – the EOSC Digital Innovation Hub”


Initiated by the Commission in 2015, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a trusted digital platform for the scientific community, providing seamless access to data and interoperable services.


The EOSC DIH is an international and multi-partner cooperation that aims to remove barriers between the Open Science and Industry. The EOSC DIH supports companies to more easily access the digital technologies, services and support offered by the EOSC.


This #ENRIITCyourCoffee episode will give an overview of this one-stop-shop, and how it helps companies become more competitive by offering a broad range of services. Opportunities for RIs to engage with industry in the EOSC will also be discussed as well as potential collaborations.


The session will be led by Sy Holsinger, EOSC DIH Coordinator and Business Development Manager at the EGI Foundation. It will take place on Thursday, 22 April from 15:00 to 15:30 CEST.


To register to attend, click the "registration" tab in the menu on the left-hand side of this page. Please do not hesitate to contact us at enriitc@ess.eu if you have any questions. 


Are you interested in hosting a session? Contact us today!

ENRIITC is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 871112.