27 June 2022
Maison MINATEC, Grenoble
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Andrew Goetz, Tango, ESRF

27 Jun 2022, 14:20


Developing software since the mid-1970s, Andrew has been an active supporter of Open Source software and the development of Open Source software to benefit science and society throughout my career. He was one of the early adopters of the Linux operating system as a general-purpose operating system and have been promoting it since 1995. He was part of the team of developers who, based on their experience with the ESRF's first control system (TACO), proposed and designed the Tango Controls toolkit in 1999. Tango Controls has been adopted in many sites worldwide to control accelerators, lasers, telescopes, experiments, industrial labs and devices etc. He has been actively contributing to the Tango Controls community and chair the collaboration since 7 years on behalf of the community. Since 2019 he has been coordinating the Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud (PaNOSC) as part of the EOSC project to make FAIR data reality by implementing scientific research data management for Open Science.

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