Cryocontrols Cooldown Readiness workshop

Barbara McClintock - 12 ppl - B01.100.4023

Barbara McClintock - 12 ppl - B01.100.4023

    • 09:00 12:00
      Exercises on: The Automatic Control Sequence (ACS) Barbara McClintock - 12 ppl - B01.100.4023

      Barbara McClintock - 12 ppl - B01.100.4023

      How to generate it, how to make changes, how to troubleshoot it.

      • 09:00
        Short introduction to ACS in Master and in Cryomodules 30m Barbara McClintock - 12 ppl - B01.100.4023

        Barbara McClintock - 12 ppl - B01.100.4023

      • 09:30
        Using the excel files to generate a change in the logic 30m Barbara McClintock - 12 ppl - B01.100.4023

        Barbara McClintock - 12 ppl - B01.100.4023

      • 10:00
        Morning break and room change 15m
      • 10:15
        Troubleshooting the ACS and CMDS 1h 45m Niels Bohr - 8 ppl - B01.100.4022

        Niels Bohr - 8 ppl - B01.100.4022

    • 12:00 13:00
      Lunch break 1h
    • 13:00 16:00
      Exercises on: The Accelerator Cryoplant (ACCP) Niels Bohr - 8 ppl - B01.100.4022

      Niels Bohr - 8 ppl - B01.100.4022

      • 13:00
        Short introduction to ACCP Architecture 30m
      • 13:30
        Navigating through S7 Classic, CFC to make changes 30m
      • 14:00
        Jose's sponsored fresh air break 15m
      • 14:15
        Troubleshooting the ACCP and permissives for HP, LP, SP, BCP 1h 45m