22–27 May 2016
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Overview over CEA Saclay RF test stands and use of the FMC IOxOS ADC3111 board

26 May 2016, 13:45
Medicon Village Auditorium (Lund)

Medicon Village Auditorium


Tunavägen 24 Lund


Mr Alexis Gaget (CEA)


CEA Irfu Saclay is involved in the ESS collaboration through different packages. The ESS control-box is used for all the controls including those of the different RF test stands set up at Saclay, for a cryomodule demonstrator and the ESS RFQ coupler test. The control-box provides the IOxOS FMC ADC3111 acquisition card that will be used on the different CEA EPICS test stands. This card allows 8 signals to be measured with a sampling rate of up to 250MS/S. The EPICS driver was developed by PSI and ESS. Using the card in development situation will be presented as well as the measurement of the resources used by the card (CPU, memory, network ...) and its theoretical and practical limits.

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