May 22 – 27, 2016
Europe/Stockholm timezone

PandA/ZEBRA-2: A collaboration to produce a flexible trigger, position-compare and -capture box

May 26, 2016, 2:00 PM
Medicon Village Auditorium (Lund)

Medicon Village Auditorium


Tunavägen 24 Lund


Mr Chris Turner (Diamond Light Source)


Beamlines at many synchrotrons are using continuous or fly scanning to reduce experimental dead time, and many facilities are using hardware to trigger detectors based encoder position, regular time interval, or some external source. In 2015, a collaborative project was started between Synchrotron Soleil and Diamond Light source to upgrade their existing systems (SPIETBOX and ZEBRA) with a new ‘Position and Acquisition’ platform, called PandA or ZEBRA-2. PandA/ZEBRA-2 is a 1U standalone system powered by a programmable Zynq FPGA-SoC for significant improvement of its predecessors’ existing processing, programmable functionality and system integration. It supports multi-channel digital I/O with 125MHz resolution and wide range of encoder protocols. An industry standard expansion slot provides interfacing to analogue and digital off-the-shelf boards or custom I/O modules. It offers Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for control systems integration and high-speed data acquisition. This presentation will describe the features of PandA/ZEBRA-2 and give a timescale for availability.

Primary authors

Mr Isa Uzun (Diamond Light Source) Mr Tom Cobb (Diamond Light Source)


Mr Chris Turner (Diamond Light Source)

Presentation materials