May 22 – 27, 2016
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Alarm Information in CS-Studio

May 26, 2016, 5:30 PM
Medicon Village Auditorium (Lund)

Medicon Village Auditorium


Tunavägen 24 Lund


Mr kunal shroff (1984)


Alarms form an essential part of any operations workflow, the ability to easily view the alarm and associated information can significantly improve the process of handling them. Two new projects were developed to allows easier access to current and historic BEAST alarm information. Alarm Datasource: Previously the only way to access information from the BEAST alarm service was through the dedicated alarmTree and the alarmTable views. A new pvmanager datasource (beast) now allows users to access alarm information via simple channels which can then be used in any cs-studio application including BOY. New screens can be created with the most pertinent alarm information from BEAST directly embedded in them. Alarm Message History: Using Apache camel all JMS messages produced by the BEAST alarm server and clients are logged into an elastic index. In any CS-Studio applicatoin, via a context menu command, users can now access the beast alarm history (alarm stats, acknowledge/unacknowledged actions) of any Process Variable.

Primary author

Mr kunal shroff (1984)

Presentation materials