May 22 – 27, 2016
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The Development of IRMIS and Its Application at LANSCE

May 26, 2016, 11:15 AM
Medicon Village Auditorium (Lund)

Medicon Village Auditorium


Tunavägen 24 Lund


Mr Kanglin Xu (Los Alamos Natl Lab)


In this EPICS collaboration meeting, we present a complete IRMIS system at LANSCE of Los Alamos National Laboratory. The introduction focuses on the implementation and application of the relational database schema developed by the EPICS community. Partic- ularly, we discuss how to extend the existing database schema at our specific site. We also introduce the accelerator daily log management subsystem used to archive parameter logs. This subsystem not only saves our operators time and efforts but also makes archived infor- mation and parameters searchable. Finally, we propose some ideas to improve the present system.

Primary author

Mr Kanglin Xu (Los Alamos Natl Lab)


Mr John Faucett (Los Alamos Natl Lab)

Presentation materials