Mark Rivers
(University of Chicago)
This talk will focus on enhancements to the areaDetector package since it was last presented at the 2015 collaboration meeting at MSU. These include:
**NDPluginTimeSeries**: New plugin to for time-series data. The plugin accepts input arrays of dimensions [NumSignals] or [NumSignals, NewTimePoints]. Creates NumSignals 1-D arrays of dimension [NumTimPoints], each of which is the time-series for one signal. On each callback the new time points are appended to the existing time series arrays. Operates in one of two modes. In Fixed Length mode the time-series arrays are cleared when acquisition starts, and new time points are appended until NumTimePoints points have been received, at which point acquisition stops and further callbacks are ignorred. In Circular Buffer mode when NumTimePoints samples are received then acquisition continues with the new time points replacing the oldest ones in the circular buffer. In this mode the export NDArrays and waveforms always contain the latest NumTimePoints samples, with the first element of the array containing the oldest time point and the last element containing the most recent time point.
**NDPluginFFT**: New plugin to compute 1-D or 2-D Fast Fourier transforms. It exports 1-D or 2-D NDArrays containing the absolute value of the FFT. Creates 1-D waveform records of the input, and the real, imaginary, and absolute values of the first row of the FFT. Also creates 1-D waveform records of the time and frequency axes, which are useful if the 1-D input represents a time-series. The waveform records are convenient for plotting in OPI screens.
**ADExample**: New detector directory. simDetector was moved from ADCore to ADExample to minimize dependencies in ADCore. New ADCSimDetector driver that simulates a buffered ADC. Useful for testing NDPluginTimeSeries and NDPluginFFT.
Significant enhancements to the following drivers will be discussed:
- ADPointGrey
- ADPerkinElmer
- ADMerlin
The talk will also discuss future plans for the areaDetector package.
Primary author
Mark Rivers
(University of Chicago)