May 22 – 27, 2016
Europe/Stockholm timezone

MASAR: A Powerful Tool for Accelerator Commissioning and Operation

May 26, 2016, 5:15 PM
Medicon Village Auditorium (Lund)

Medicon Village Auditorium


Tunavägen 24 Lund


Mr Yong HU (Brookhaven National Lab)


MASAR is an EPICS V4 service which does MAchine Snapshot, Archiving, and Retrieve. This software was originally developed at NSLS-II and has been one of the most important tools for NSLS-II accelerator commissioning and routine operation. Just like EPICS Channel Access (CA) which has CA client and CA server, MASAR system has MASAR client and MASAR server. The server takes machine snapshots, archives data in a relational database, and retrieves data from the database. The client provides a GUI that retrieves data, compares data with the live machine, and restores the machine with given snapshot data.

Primary author

Mr Yong HU (Brookhaven National Lab)


Mr Guobao Shen (FRIB)

Presentation materials