Daniela Ene
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
A radiological assessment has been produced to demonstrate that during normal operations the European Spallation Source (ESS) facility will comply with the dose constraints imposed by the Swedish Authority.
The evaluation of exposures to impacted environmental media considers three main pathways: i) airborne releases of radionuclides through ventilation, ii) liquid discharges of radionuclides to the sewage system and downstream surface water (rivers and sea), iii) migration of radionuclides with groundwater following activation of the surrounding soil. The impact assessment has two main phases: i) estimation of the source term (ST), by means of calculation of radioactivity (Monte Carlo radiation transport simulations coupled with activation calculations by means CINDER’90 code) that can be released annually and taking into account the design parameters of the abatement systems, e.g. ventilation system (HVAC), and ii) applying dispersion and radionuclide transport models to calculate concentrations in the environment and dose models to calculate doses to reference groups of the population around the site.
In case of releases to the atmosphere, the total annual dose obtained is below 1 µSv/year and is dominated by N-13, C-11, Ar-41, O-15 and I-125.
The results of modelling of migration of contaminants with the groundwater show that doses will be formed practically 100% by tritium, whose concentrations in well water are approximately one order of magnitude below the admissible level of 100 Bq/L.
The present work report only partial results as the release rates for several facility components are still under investigation.
It was concluded from this assessment that for the known release rates the sum of the doses resulting from the exposure of any member of the public to ionizing radiation are very small.
Primary author
Daniela Ene
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
Dmitri Bugay
(EcoMonitor, Kiev, Ukraine)
Kristofer Stenberg
Rodolfo Avila
(Facilia AB, Stockholm, Sweden)
Thomas Hjerpe