Goran Skoro
(ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities Council)
The calculations of the radioactive inventories (and related quantities such as gamma dose rates, decay heat, etc.) of irradiated Target Station 1 (TS-1) and Target Station 2 (TS-2) targets at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source have significant operational and safety impact. These calculations are required to facilitate target disposal exercises but also to understand (by comparing simulations results with corresponding measurements data) details about target(s) activation which could help in, for example, planning the upgrade of existing target systems. In this paper, the details about ISIS targets geometries, their irradiation histories, simulation procedures, obtained results and comparison with measurement results (gamma dose rates and gamma spectra of used targets) will be presented.
Primary author
Goran Skoro
(ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities Council)