22–24 May 2017
Medicon Village
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Leakage of radioactive materials from particle accelerator facilities by non-radiation disasters like fire and flooding and its environmental impacts

24 May 2017, 10:50
Gästmatsalen (Medicon Village)


Medicon Village

Scheelevägen 2, 223 63 Lund, Sweden


Ms Arim Lee (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)


The leakage of radioactive materials generated at particle accelerator facilities is one of the important issues in the view of radiation safety. In this study, fire and flooding at particle accelerator facilities were considered as the non-radiation disasters which result to the leakage or spread-out of radioactive materials. To analyze the expected effects at each disaster, the case study on fired and flooded particle accelerator facilities was done with the property investigation of interesting materials generated in the accelerator tunnel and the activity estimation. Five major materials in the tunnel were investigated: dust, insulators, concrete, metals and paints. The activation level on the concerned materials were calculated using several Monte Carlo codes (MCNPX 2.7+SP-FISPACT 2007, FLUKA 2011.4c and PHITS 2.64+DCHAIN-SP 2001). The impact weight was estimated for the different beam particles (electron, proton, carbon and uranium) and the different beam energies (100, 430, 600 and 1000 MeV/nucleon). With the consideration of the leakage path of radioactive materials due to fire and flooding and the activation level of selected materials, the impacts to the environment were evaluated. In the case of flooding, dust, concrete and metal were found as a considerable object. In the case of fire event, dust, insulator and paint should be taken care for. As expected, the influence of normal fire and flooding at electron accelerator facilities would be relatively low for both cases.

Primary author

Ms Arim Lee (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)


Dr Hee-Seock Lee (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Leila Mokhtari Oranj (Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang 37673, Republic of Korea) Dr Nam-Suk Jung (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials