Design studies
- Stefan Roesler (CERN)
Cristina Adorisio
23/05/2017, 09:00
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded in 2019/2020 to increase its luminosity (rate of collisions) by a factor of five beyond its design value and the integrated luminosity by a factor ten, in order to maintain scientific progress and exploit its full capacity. The novel machine configuration, called High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will increase consequently the level of activation of...
(Irfu/SPhN, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette)
23/05/2017, 09:20
In the next decade, the neutron community will have to face with the programmed shut-down of major fission-based neutron sources in Europe. This will reduce the Europe capacities to produce neutrons for major industrial or societal challenges such as nuclear data measurements for nuclear industry, fundamental solid state physics studies with neutron scattering experiments, neutron radiography...
Valentina Santoro
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
23/05/2017, 09:40
The ESS is being constructed in Lund, Sweden and is planned to be the world’s brightest pulsed spallation neutron source for cold and thermal neutron beams (< 1 eV). The facility uses a 2 GeV proton beam to produce neutrons from a tungsten target. The neutrons are then moderated in a moderator assembly consisting of both liquid hydrogen and water compartments.
Surrounding the moderator are 22...
Eszter Dian
(HAS Centre for Energy Research)
23/05/2017, 10:30
Monte Carlo simulations using MCNP have been performed in order to study the effect of neutron activation in Ar/CO$_{2}$ neutron detector counting gas, from the perspective of decay gamma as well as prompt gamma production. A general model for neutron activation has been built in MCNP6.1. Simple analytical calculations were also done to validate the full scale MCNP6.1 model. It has been shown...
Ken-ichi Kimura
(Fujita Corporation)
23/05/2017, 10:50
Radiation shielding is one of the important issue for accelerator facilities and nuclear power plants. It is also widely known that the radiation shielding induced the activation to the shielding materials. So, the activation is important to discuss. Especially concrete is widely used as the shielding material in the facilities because of its flexibility and inexpensively supplement, and the...
Frédéric Stichelbaut
(Ion Beam Applications)
23/05/2017, 11:10
All IBA medical accelerators make use of proton beams with energy ranging from a few MeV (medical isotopes production) up to 230 MeV (proton therapy). A common drawback is the generation of important fluxes of secondary neutrons with energies ranging from thermal energy up to the maximal proton energy. The neutron-induced long-lived isotopes produced inside the shielding concrete are...