Benchmarking and intercomparison
- Goran Skoro (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Goran Skoro
(ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities Council)
22/05/2017, 11:50
The calculations of the radioactive inventories (and related quantities such as gamma dose rates, decay heat, etc.) of irradiated Target Station 1 (TS-1) and Target Station 2 (TS-2) targets at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source have significant operational and safety impact. These calculations are required to facilitate target disposal exercises but also to understand (by comparing simulations...
Elpida Iliopoulou
22/05/2017, 12:10
Authors: P. Bamidis$^{1}$, M. Brugger$^{2}$, R. Froeschl$^{2}$, **E. Iliopoulou**$^{1,2}$, A. Infantino$^{2}$, T. Kajimoto$^{3}$, N. Nakao$^{4}$, S. Roesler$^{2}$, T. Sanami$^{5}$, A. Siountas$^{1}$, H. Yashima$^{6}$
$^{1}$ Medical Physics Laboratory, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
$^{2}$ CERN,$^{3}$ Hiroshima University, $^{4}$ Shimizu...
Hee-Seock Lee
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH)
22/05/2017, 14:00
The activation analysis for heavy-ion accelerator is important issues but the experimental data are limited. In this work the ability of several Monte Carlo codes to predict spallation products in thick Cu target were investigated by benchmarking calculations. FLUKA, PHITS/DCHAIN-SP, and MCNPX/FISPACT were tested. The depth profile of spallation products in thick Cu target irradiated by...
Nikhil Shetty
(ELI Beamlines)
22/05/2017, 14:20
Stainless steels contain nickel in large amounts (~ 8 %) to improve its corrosion and heat resistance. Traces of cobalt are present in nickel, which are hard to separate because of its chemical similarity. Therefore, cobalt content in steel is restricted to a maximum of 2 parts per mille for applications in nuclear industry, as natural cobalt (composed of 100% Co-59) transmutes into highly...