Radiological characterization: Methods
- Masatoshi Arai (European Spallation Source ERIC)
Robert Froeschl
22/05/2017, 14:40
Radiological characterization of components in accelerator environments is often required to ensure adequate radiation protection during maintenance, transport and handling as well as for the selection of the proper disposal pathway. The relevant quantities are typical the weighted sums of specific activities with radionuclide-specific weighting coefficients.
Traditional methods based on...
Masatoshi Arai
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
22/05/2017, 15:20
Neutronics calculation is a key component to design radiation facility. There are well established and reliable codes for radiation transportation calculation, such as MCNPX, GEANT4, PHITS, etc. Shielding design to keep the dose rate lower than regulation is of the main importance.
However, at neutron scattering facility radiation will not be contained just within a shield of source,...