“Establishing and Maintaining an Innovation Framework” 11th October 2017

Glass Hall (DTU Campus)

Glass Hall

DTU Campus

Building 101 Anker Engelundsvej 1, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

As a green field research facility and one of the largest science and technology infrastructure projects being built in Europe today, the European Spallation Source (ESS) offers many innovation opportunities. To leverage the scientific and technological opportunities arising from the design, construction, and operation, ESS is currently in the process of establishing an innovation management structure within the organization and implementing concrete steps to build internal capacity. 

The aim of the conference is to achieve a broad and effective exchange of best practice among ESS partner organisations. The conference is organised in the framework of the Horizon 2020 project BrightnESS, and will focus on the importance of the establishment and maintenance of an innovation framework and its ecosystem.

The conference addresses stakeholders of the innovation systems from ESS and its partner organization. The one-day event will be divided into two blocks, each block will have three speakers with strong knowledge transfer background. The blocks will be finalized by interactive workshops to provide a forum of best practice exchange from similar organisations.

Main partners for the conference organization are the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the High Energy Physics Technology Transfer Network (HEPTech).

This project has has received funding from the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No 676548.