Cobb Tom
(Diamond Light Source)
Hardware Triggered Scanning at Diamond Light Source involves the synchronization of a trajectory scanned motor with triggered capture of a detector and encoder positions. This talk will outline the approach taken to unify these types scans across multiple photon beamlines and outline the software and hardware that has been developed as a result. In particular it will focus on:
- pmac: The new model 3 motor driver support for trajectory scanning the Delta Tau PMAC
- areaDetector: The changes made to support writing multi-dimensional HDF5 files
- PandABox: Developed in collaboration with Soleil, how it can be used to implement various triggering schemes
- Malcolm: A Python middle-layer framework for co-ordinating the EPICS layers
- GDA: The user interface kicking off Malcolm scans via pvAccess, and providing live monitoring and processing of data via HDF5 SWMR
Talk Length | 15 Minutes |
Primary author
Cobb Tom
(Diamond Light Source)