BIFROST analyser PDR

Conference room Skrylle, Ship 5 (ESS building site)

Conference room Skrylle, Ship 5

ESS building site

Design Document
    • 14:00 14:10
      Charge to the review panel - Ken Andersen

      Introduction to the ESS and this review process

      Convener: Ken Andersen (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 14:10 14:20
      Introduction to Bifrost - Rasmus Toft-Petersen

      Introduction to the Bifrost instrument, with focus on aspects relevant to the review

    • 14:20 14:45
      Engineering aspects of the secondary spectrometer tank - Liam Whitelegg

      An overview of the structural and financial boundary condition that led to the decisions we made

    • 14:45 15:45
      Methodology behind the proposed analyser geometries incl. McStas-simulations - Rasmus Toft-Petersen

      We go through the methodology for designing and validating the analyser geometries - including questions

    • 15:45 16:10
      Mounting the analysers and tolerances - Liam Whitelegg/Rasmus Toft-Petersen

      We discuss mounting choices for the analysers and the desired tolerances. Including questions

    • 16:10 16:40
      Closed session

      Instrument team has a break, reivewers discuss internally

    • 16:40 17:00
      Concluding discussion - Ken Andersen, Klaus Habicht, Arno Hiess

      The outcome and recommendations of the review is presented and discussed