7–8 Oct 2019
Medicon Village
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Second Announcement

European Cryogenics Days 2019


The Cryogenics Society of Europe (CSE) and the High-Energy Physics network (HEPTech) in collaboration with the European Spallation Source (ESS) invite you to attend the 2019 European Cryogenics Days on October 7 and 8, 2019 in Lund Sweden.

This event will consist of the annual meeting of the Cryogenics Society of Europe followed by invited talks on all aspects of cryogenics, an industrial exhibition, a tour of the ESS site including cryogenic facilities and social events. Ample time will be provided for one on one meetings.

Examples of confirmed talks include:

“Cryogenics in the Ecoswing Project”

“Vertical Cryostat for ESS”

“Cryogenics in Experimental Cosmology”

“Overview on HTS Projects and Applications Worldwide”

“Analytics for Cold Hydrogen Isotopologues at the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe”

“The Cryogenic Needs of the FCC”


Talks are by invitation only but attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts for a poster session.

More details including registration, abstract submission, draft program and important dates may be found on the ECD 2019 website: https://indico.esss.lu.se/event/1176/

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event in Sweden!


John Weisend, Marcel ter Brake and Weiying Li for the organizing committee


First Announcement

The Cryogenics Society of Europe (CSE), the High-Energy Physics network (HEPTech) and GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI) in collaboration with the European Spallation Source (ESS) invite you to attend the 2019 European Cryogenics Days on October 7 and 8, 2019 in Lund Sweden.

This event will consist of the annual meeting of the Cryogenics Society of Europe followed by invited talks on all aspects of cryogenics, an industrial exhibition, a tour of the ESS site including cryogenic facilities and social events. Ample time will be provided for one on one meetings.

Additional details including registration information and an indico page will be provided later this Spring.

Please contact ECD2019@esss.se  with expressions of interest or any questions.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event in Sweden!


John G Weisend II, Marcel ter Brake and Weiying Li for the organizing committee