1:50 PM
Beam physics of the ESS segmented linac
Mamad Eshraqi
2:10 PM
Warm to cold linac transition energy: Can we find an optimum?
Aurélien Ponton
2:30 PM
Design of the Myrrha superconducting linac & beam delivery
Jean-Luc Biarrotte
3:00 PM
Preliminary results of beam shaping studies
Ryoichi Miyamoto
3:40 PM
ESS Integrated control system
Garry Trahern
3:55 PM
ESS Machine protection and timing
Miha Rescic
4:15 PM
ESS Front end diagnostics
Benjamin Cheymol
4:30 PM
Non-invasive profile measurement
Christian Böhme
4:45 PM
The ESS Low Level RF System
Rihua Zeng
5:00 PM
BPM Electronics
Hooman Hassanzadegan
5:15 PM
Using the ESS proton linac for neutrino CP violation measurements
Tord Ekelöf
5:35 PM
Summary & Conclusions
Mats Lindroos