December 8, 2020
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Data Consent


The European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS), ENRIITC Project Coordinator, takes the privacy rights of individuals very seriously. ESS complies with personal data laws (GDPR) by keeping your personal data up-to-date, protecting your information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure by ensuring appropriate technical measures are in place.

1. What peronal data will we process?

ESS will process the following personal data from you:

  1. Full name
  2. Contact information (e.g.e-mail, postal address)
  3. Employment information (e.g. affiliation, role & position, country)
  4. Any other relevant information you would like to share with us 2.

2. How will we use your information?

We will use your personal data to comply with conditions of Grant Agreement no. 871112 and establish a sustainable European network of ILOs and ICOs which enables mutual learning, map collaboration potential between research infrastructures and industry, develop and refine strategies and best practices to foster these collaborations, raise awareness among industry for collaboration opportunities at research infrastructure and demonstrate impact, establish relations with various industries operating in different sectors and geographical contexts, and propagate it among their networks to:

  • Inform you on future events via e-mail and/or post to exchange practices and trainings,
  • Create participants' lists and programs for future events,
  • Send newsletters, surveys, documents and relevant information regarding potential future events via e-mail and/or post for knowledge sharing,
  • Confirm your attendance in future events with your affiliated organisation,
  • Report about the meeting to the European Commission for deliverables (e.g. reports),
  • Provide documentation such as signed participants lists, programmes, photographs from events to auditors,
  • Disseminate event/project results and communicate about future events on the project website, project partners' websites , social media channels, future events etc.

This includes the use of photographs from the event. We reserve the right to use your personal data in order to fulfil legal, contractual, or similar obligations placed upon ESS.

3. Will my personal data be sent to countries outside the EEA?

No. ESS will not send your personal information outside the European Economic Area (EEA). We will process your data in accordance with the GDPR.

4. Why are we allowed to use your personal data?

ESS has a legal obligation to comply with Grant Agreement no. 871112.

5. How long is my personal data stored?

Your personal data will be stored in the ESS IT system and in hard copy in a locked filing system for at least five years (36 months of the project duration and up-to 24 months more) after the payment of the balance.

6. Photographs

ESS uses photographs taken during visits to ESS premises or at ESS events to report about events to the European Commission, disseminate project results and communicate about the meeting on the project website, project partners' websites, social media channels, future events etc., and provide evidence to auditors that the event took place. ESS has a legitimate business interest in for the photographs taken in the ENRIITC related events. These photographs will be stored on ESS IT systems for at least five years (36 months of the project duration and up to 24 months more) after the payment of the balance.

7. What rights do I have?

Unless subject to an exception, you have

  1. The right to withdraw consent at any time for any reason;
  2. The right to request a copy of your personal data held by ESS;
  3. The right to request ESS transmit your personal data to another data controller/entity;
  4. The right to request ESS correct any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out-of-date;
  5. The right to request your personal data be erased when it is no longer necessary for ESS to retain such data;
  6. The right to request a restriction on further processing when there is a dispute over the accuracy of personal data stored;
  7. The right to lodge a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Sw: Datainspektionen).

8. Who can I contact?

You may submit questions or exercise your rights by e-mail to and

9. Who else can I contact?

If you believe there has been a violation of your personal data protection rights, you may email and to discuss a solution. At any time, you have the right to communicate directly with the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Sw: Datainspektionen) at:


Box 8114

104 20 Stockholm

Telefon: 08-657 61 00


Fax. 08-652 86 52