7:00 PM
Thomas Arnold
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
7:15 PM
Reinventing time-of-flight reflectometry—return of a proven approach
Tim Charlton
7:45 PM
Free Thiols Regulatation of the Interactions and Self-Assembly of Thiol-Passivated Metal Nanoparticles investigated with X-ray scattering and MD simulations.
Binhua Lin
8:30 PM
Why NeXus?
Ray Osborn
9:00 PM
35 years of x-ray reflectivity at NSLS & NSLS II: science hiding in small features and the new kid (instrument) on the block
Ben Ocko
9:30 PM
The Data Analysis Working Group
Brian Maranville
9:45 PM
The Reproducibility Working Group
Andrew McCluskey
(European Spallation Source ERIC)