Feb 2 – 4, 2022
Europe/Stockholm timezone


The European Spallation Source (ESS), presently under construction, in Lund, Sweden, is a multi-disciplinary international laboratory that will operate the world’s most powerful pulsed neutron source. Supported by 3MEuro Research and Innovation Action within the EU Horizon 2020 program, a design study HighNESS is now underway to develop a second neutron source below the spallation target. Compared to the first source, located above the spallation target and designed for high cold and thermal brightness, the new source will provide a higher intensity, and a shift to longer wavelengths in the spectral regions of Cold, Very Cold, and Ultra Cold neutrons.

A digital workshop will be held from February 2nd to 4th, 2022. Experts from various laboratories and Universities will gather to propose and discuss ideas and challenges for the development of an Ultra Cold Neutron Source and a Very Cold Neutron source at ESS. The workshop will focus on the characteristics and technical feasibility of such sources but also on the possible applications both for condensed matter science and fundamental physics. 

The workshop attendees will be source specialists, material scientists, and scientists in the various fields that will possibly make future use of the sources.

Due to the current pandemic situation, the workshop has become a  virtual workshop.  However, for the ESS participants, there is the possibility to follow the meeting in person at the ESS auditorium.

Zooom details to connect to the workshop

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Meeting ID: 621 4507 0209

Passcode: 756227 

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+496971049922,,62145070209#,,,,*756227# Germany

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 +49 69 7104 9922 Germany

Meeting ID: 621 4507 0209

Passcode: 756227

Find your local number: https://ess-eu.zoom.us/u/ceipRyrtws

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Meeting ID: 621 4507 0209

European Spallation Source Partikelgatan 2, 224 84 Lund
There is an open survey.