Commissioning Workshop ESS – JPARC: Instrument Session




This is a parallel Session of the Main Meeting: 

Registration should be done on the main meeting page.

  • All contributions should prepare a presentation (share and upload before the meeting) and leave time for discussions (e.g. 15+10). 

  • Confirmed physical attendees from J-PARC for this session: Ryoichi Kajimoto, Kosuke Hiroi, Maiko Kofu, Toshiya Otomo, Daichi Ueta


Participation by zoom will be possible (ATTENTION: The main meeting has separate zoom links that you find on the indico page!): 

Meeting ID: 555 070 3148


Non-exclusive selection of guiding questions for the workshop (@Instrument speakers: Please include relevant topics in your individual presentations where you see fit):

  • What teams are involved in the commissioning – is that different per instrument / per component? What are their roles?
  • What software are used for instrument control? Who is responsible for the controls? (Is there any EPICS at J-PARC?)
  • Any special tools (hardware/software) that are used for commissioning/calibration solely?
  • Have you documented the commissioning procedures (and how)?
  • How often are instruments setups re-checked (re-commissioned, re-calibrated, etc)? What triggers this? How much of this work is automated?
  • What were the main lessons learned that you did not expect before?
  • Examples of commissioning a particular type of measurement (that does not concern the whole instrument) and overlap with other instruments. 
  • In the early days, could the data be correlated / linked to a given pulse?
  • How is neutron instrument data acquisition and storage done? (E.g. through a common data storage approach or individual handling for each instrument.)
  • Fast/high data volume/beam synchronous acquisition, what has happened at J-PARC in the last 3 years?
  • How do you communicate with other parts of the facility? (e.g. Accelerator + Target commissioning preparations)
  • What was the process of building and commissioning the instrument suite at J-PARC concerning controls? How did it evolve at your instrument?
  • If there is a safety deviation during commissioning / operation, what are the actions to follow when reporting?