LENS Workshop on Laser-driven Neutron Sources

Tycho and Brahe (ESS - B01)

Tycho and Brahe

ESS - B01

ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
Günter Muhrer (European Spallation Source ERIC), Thomas Gutberlet (JCNS)

Neutrons are a valuable tool to characterize and study matter in many areas of science and industry. The production of neutrons has been performed mainly by the use of research reactors and spallation neutron sources. While these large-scale facilities are well established, they are also costly and in case of research reactors have to deal with nuclear material. In recent years a discussion has been started mainly triggered by the development of high current proton accelerators on alternative options to produce neutrons and build large research facilities.

In this context of alternative ways to produce neutrons also laser driven neutron sources have been discussed. As outlined in a recent report by a LENS initiative (https://lens-initiative.org/2022/06/10/neutron-science-in-europe/) such sources may become a future option in the suite of neutron production methods.

The goal of this workshop is to discuss the state-of-the-art and future perspectives of laser driven neutron sources.

LENS Workshop on Laser-driven Neutron Sources
Günter Muhrer
    • 1
      Welcome Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Kevin Jones (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 2
      The European Neutron Landscape Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Robert McGreevy (STFC)
    • 3
      Science with neutrons Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Thomas Brückel (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
    • 4
      Laser-Driven Neutron Sources - Physics, Application and future Prospects Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Markus Roth (TU Darmstadt)
    • 3:00 PM
      Coffee Break Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 5
      Laser-LANSCE - who could use it and how far away are we from it. Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Sven Vogel (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
    • 6
      Laser proton acceleration and neutron generation for nuclear reaction studies at the Draco PW facility Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Karl Zeil
    • 7
      Discussion Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 8
      Characterization of neutron generation at Apollon Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Ronan LeLierve (Ecole Polytechnique)
    • 9
      Proposed ZEUS Project: Single Pulse Neutron Imaging of Fast-Charge Lithium-Ion Batteries Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Butler Leslie (LSU)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 10
      Photoneutron generation with undepleted direct laser acceleration Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Ishay Pomerantz (Tel Aviv University)
    • 11
      Discussion Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 12
      Short pulse neutron source using the NIF-ARC and Omega EP laser for radiography applications. Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Raspberry Simpson (LLNL)
    • 13
      New Enhanced Shot Rate Laser Technologies for Driving Neutron Sources Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
      Speaker: Marc Zimmer (University of Texas Austin)
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee Break Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 14
      Discussion Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 15
      Outline of the LENS report Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 6:30 PM
    • 16
      Discussion Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 17
      Suggestions for future work Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • Site Tour Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund
    • Site Tour continuation Tycho and Brahe

      Tycho and Brahe

      ESS - B01

      ESS Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund