May 9 – 10, 2023
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Last year we held a HighNESS/LENS UCN/VCN workshop at the where experts from various laboratories and Universities have gathered to propose and discuss ideas and challenges for the development of these sources. At the workshop, experts provided previous inputs and ideas.

A book of proceedings has been prepared as a special issue of the Journal of Neutron Research has been published 

The HighNESS UCN/VCN team has worked for this past year to develop these ideas in a conceptual design stage. The purpose of this follow-up workshop is to discuss the finalized ideas and receive feedback from the community. Additionally, based on the expected performance of the UCN and VCN sources at ESS, we would like to discuss in depth the possible applications. The first day will be dedicated to presentations of the designs, and discussions about applications, and the second half-day to feedback, outlook, and final discussions. In the afternoon of the second day, we plan to have a site visit to the ESS facility.

It will also be possible to follow the workshop via zoom however we would much like to prefer to see you at the ESS 


ESS auditorium
European Spallation Source Partikelgatan 2, 224 84 Lund