Contributor Camp

University of Delaware campus

University of Delaware campus

Newark, Delaware, USA

Welcome to the registration portal for the SasView Contributor Camp!

For more information and timetable please visit:

Organiser Email
    • 01:00 01:30
      Tour of NBI

      A guided tour of the historic Niels Bohr Institute, including Niels Bohr's office.

    • 01:30 02:30
      Python Training

      This session will introduce more advanced aspects of the Python programming language that the students will take advantage of during the summer school.

      - Andrew McCluskey
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Neil Vaytet
      - Sunyoung Yoo
      - Mads Bertelsen

    • 02:30 02:45
      Coffee 15m
    • 02:45 04:00
      Python Training

      This session will introduce more advanced aspects of the Python programming language that the students will take advantage of during the summer school.

      - Andrew McCluskey
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Neil Vaytet
      - Sunyoung Yoo
      - Mads Bertelsen

    • 04:00 05:00
      Lunch 1h
    • 05:00 06:30
      Python Training

      This session will introduce more advanced aspects of the Python programming language that the students will take advantage of during the summer school.

      - Andrew McCluskey
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Neil Vaytet
      - Sunyoung Yoo
      - Mads Bertelsen

    • 06:30 06:45
      Coffee 15m
    • 06:45 08:00
      Python Training

      This session will introduce more advanced aspects of the Python programming language that the students will take advantage of during the summer school.

      - Andrew McCluskey
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Neil Vaytet
      - Sunyoung Yoo
      - Mads Bertelsen

    • 08:00 09:00
      Proposals, DMPs, and FAIR

      The role that data has in your beamtime proposals is changing. This lecture will introduce this new role alongside data management plans. Finally, the important of FAIR data will be discussed.

      - Frederik Bolmsten

    • 01:00 02:00
      MAX IV Tour
    • 02:00 02:30
      Transfer to ESS and Coffee 30m
    • 02:30 04:30
      McStas Simulations

      McStas allows "virtual experiments" to be performed. This allows us to get a grip on what our data might look like before we attend the experiment.

      - Mads Bertelsen
      - Peter Willendrup
      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 04:30 05:30
      Lunch 1h
    • 05:30 06:30
      Poster Session and Coffee

      This is a chance to talk to your colleagues about the research that you are conducting at your home institutions and why you are interested in data.

    • 06:30 07:30
      McStas Simulations

      McStas allows "virtual experiments" to be performed. This allows us to get a grip on what our data might look like before we attend the experiment.

      - Mads Bertelsen
      - Peter Willendrup
      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 07:30 09:30
      ESS Tour
    • 01:00 02:00
      File formats, data reduction and the scipp library

      The NeXus file format will be the standard for raw data at the European Spallation Source. In this session, the file format will be introduced and how raw data is reduced, using the scipp library, will be shown.

      - Neil Vaytet
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Sunyoung Yoo
      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 02:00 02:15
      Coffee 15m
    • 02:15 04:00
      File formats, data reduction and the scipp library

      The NeXus file format will be the standard for raw data at the European Spallation Source. In this session, the file format will be introduced and how raw data is reduced, using the scipp library, will be shown.

      - Neil Vaytet
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Sunyoung Yoo
      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 04:00 05:00
      Lunch 1h
    • 05:00 07:00
      File formats, data reduction and the scipp library

      The NeXus file format will be the standard for raw data at the European Spallation Source. In this session, the file format will be introduced and how raw data is reduced, using the scipp library, will be shown.

      - Neil Vaytet
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Sunyoung Yoo
      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 07:00 07:15
      Coffee 15m
    • 07:15 09:00
      File formats, data reduction and the scipp library

      The NeXus file format will be the standard for raw data at the European Spallation Source. In this session, the file format will be introduced and how raw data is reduced, using the scipp library, will be shown.

      - Neil Vaytet
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Sunyoung Yoo
      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 10:00 14:00
      AI Games Night
    • 01:00 02:30
      Model dependent analysis with EasyCore

      Neutron scattering experiments are typically analysed with model-dependent approaches. This session will cover the theory of these approaches and how functional forms can be fit with EasyCore. Before going on to look at more complex analysis processes, such as Bayesian inference.

      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 02:30 02:45
      Coffee 15m
    • 02:45 04:00
      Model dependent analysis with EasyCore

      Neutron scattering experiments are typically analysed with model-dependent approaches. This session will cover the theory of these approaches and how functional forms can be fit with EasyCore. Before going on to look at more complex analysis processes, such as Bayesian inference.

      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 04:00 05:00
      Lunch 1h
    • 05:00 07:00
      Model dependent analysis with EasyCore

      Neutron scattering experiments are typically analysed with model-dependent approaches. This session will cover the theory of these approaches and how functional forms can be fit with EasyCore. Before going on to look at more complex analysis processes, such as Bayesian inference.

      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 07:00 07:15
      Coffee 15m
    • 07:15 09:00
      Model dependent analysis with EasyCore

      Neutron scattering experiments are typically analysed with model-dependent approaches. This session will cover the theory of these approaches and how functional forms can be fit with EasyCore. Before going on to look at more complex analysis processes, such as Bayesian inference.

      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 10:00 14:00
      Conference Dinner: Summer School Dinner
    • 01:00 02:30
      SciCat and Scientific Metadata

      Metadata is fundamental to producing FAIR data. In this session, you will encounter the SciCat data catalogue and learn how to access it from Python code.

      - Max Novelli
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 02:30 02:45
      Coffee 15m
    • 02:45 04:30
      SciCat and Scientific Metadata

      Metadata is fundamental to producing FAIR data. In this session, you will encounter the SciCat data catalogue and learn how to access it from Python code.

      - Max Novelli
      - Jan-Lukas Wynen
      - Andrew McCluskey

    • 04:30 05:30
      Close and Lunch