May 22 – 27, 2016
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Advancements and Deployments of EPICS Version 4

May 25, 2016, 10:30 AM
Medicon Village Auditorium (Lund)

Medicon Village Auditorium


Tunavägen 24 Lund


Greg White (SLAC)


EPICS Version 4 is a set of software modules that add to the base of the EPICS toolkit. Version 4 adds a new communications protocol, process variable values of structured data, high performance streaming, and a new front-end processing database for managing complex data I/O. Some standard structured types are predefined, and an introspection interface for dynamic typing is provided. An RPC style facility extends the EPICS environment to service oriented architecture. We briefly introduce the new features of version 4. Then we describe selected deployments, particularly for high throughput experiment data transport, experiment data management, beam dynamics and infrastructure data. We conclude with work in progress and future plans.

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