22–24 May 2017
Medicon Village
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Nuclide production in spallation reactions: How useful are the simulations?

22 May 2017, 09:20
Gästmatsalen (Medicon Village)


Medicon Village

Scheelevägen 2, 223 63 Lund, Sweden


Dr Jean-Christophe David (CEA)


INCL (Liège IntraNuclear Cascade model) combined with a deexcitation code has been used a lot for numerous simulations of spallation reactions during the last two decades. We go back over some of those simulations to address the capabilities of such codes and to show some improvements. The four examples of simultation are: the EURISOL project, the MEGAPIE target, the ESS facility, and the cosmogenic nuclide production. The goal is to discuss respectively designing and optimisation, predictive power and reliability, feasibility and uncertainty estimate, and the use of modeling to mitigate lack of experimental data.

Primary author

Dr Jean-Christophe David (CEA)


Dr Alain Boudard (CEA) Dr Davide Mancusi (CEA) Mr Jason Hirtz (CEA) Dr Jose-Luis Rodriguez-Sanchez (CEA) Prof. Joseph Cugnon (Liège University) Dr Sylvie Leray (CEA)

Presentation materials