15–17 May 2017
Oxford Spires Hotel
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Surfactants at the triglyceride oil/solid interface

Not scheduled
Oxford Spires Hotel

Oxford Spires Hotel

Abingdon Rd Oxford OX1 4PS UK
Invited Speaker Surfactants


Neutron scattering and reflectivity have played an important role in determining the interfacial structures formed by small molecule and polymeric surfactants at interfaces. The ease of introducing contrast variation between the surfactants and an aqueous sub-phase has provided a great deal of structural insight into the science of aqueous formulations with applications in fields such as detergency and personal care. Many important formulations are oil-based, and use multi-component surfactant mixtures. This presents some additional challenges to the application of neutron scattering and reflectivity to studying the interfacial structures formed by such formulations, in which the oil might be difficult or expensive to deuterate, and the surfactants might be supplied by industry. In this talk I will illustrate our approach, using small angle scattering and reflectivity of neutrons and x-rays combined with QCM-D, to understand the structural basis of the co-operative effect exerted by mixtures of small molecule and polymeric surfactants on the rheology of a high solid content dispersion in triglyceride oil.

Primary authors

Iva Manasi (University of Edinburgh) Dr Simon Titmuss (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials

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