15–17 May 2017
Oxford Spires Hotel
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Biomolecular Deuteration for Neutron Structural Biology and Dynamics

Not scheduled
Oxford Spires Hotel

Oxford Spires Hotel

Abingdon Rd Oxford OX1 4PS UK
Invited Speaker Overview of Deuteration facilities


Neutron scattering studies provide important information in structural biology that is not accessible using other approaches. The uniqueness of the technique, and its complementarity with X-ray scattering, is greatest when full use is made of deuterium labeling. The ability to produce tailor-made deuterium-labeled biological macromolecules allows neutron studies involving solution scattering, crystallography, reflection, and dynamics to be optimized in a manner that has major impact on the scope, quality, and throughput of work in these areas. Deuteration capabilities have now been developed at many neutron centres throughout the world; these are having a crucial effect on neutron studies in the life sciences and on biologically related studies in soft matter. Methods will be described for the efficient production of deuterium-labeled samples for different neutron scattering applications. Examples are given that illustrate the use of these samples for each of the main techniques. Perspectives for biological deuterium labeling will be discussed in relation to developments at current facilities and those that are planned in the future.

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