15–17 May 2017
Oxford Spires Hotel
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The FREIA reflectometer concept for fast kinetics at ESS

Not scheduled
Oxford Spires Hotel

Oxford Spires Hotel

Abingdon Rd Oxford OX1 4PS UK
Poster abstract Soft Matter and Colloids – applications


Hanna Wacklin (European Spallation Source ERIC)


H.Wacklin1, Clara Lopez1, Jim Nightingale2, Francesco Piscitelli1 1 European Spallation Source ERIC, Lund, Sweden 2 ISIS Neutron and Muon facility, STFC, UK email: hanna.wacklin@esss.se ![enter image description here][1] FREIA - a Fast Reflectometer for Extended Interfacial Analysis1, is optimised for time-resolved investigations of interfacial processes at timescales relevant to colloidal and macro-molecular interactions. The proposed instrument is based on an elliptical guide design, which focuses a neutron beam with a broad vertical divergence and wavelength range onto a horizontal surface, allowing measurements to be carried out without moving the sample. This is ideal for studying liquid interfaces and kinetics, as the angle of incidence can be changed by simply varying the slit positions. The geometry further allows using fast shutters to change between angles for recording the full Q-range effectively simultaneously. The design has been optimised to advance the study of liquid interfaces, kinetics in soft condensed matter and the life sciences, where some of the scientific challenges include: • self-assembly of surfactants, polymers and proteins at solid and liquid interfaces • rearrangement processes in thin films (diffusion, annealing, exchange etc.) • encapsulation and release in e.g. drug delivery materials, sensors and energy storage • switchable materials and response to external stimuli • chemical and biochemical surface reactions FREIA can operate in a low-medium resolution mode using the full ESS pulse, and also incorporates a high-resolution mode with a constant 1.5% wavelength resolution, expanding the scientific scope to cover the vast majority of experiments in soft condensed matter, advanced materials and life science. An inverted beam and a polarised beam option, as well as potential collimation for GISANS are also included in the design. The instrument is currently in the preliminary design phase with the STFC as the in-kind partner. References 1. H.Wacklin & A.Vickery, FREIA – an ESS instrument construction proposal (2013), available on request. [1]: https://indico.esss.lu.se/event/756/picture/20.jpg

Primary author

Hanna Wacklin (European Spallation Source ERIC)


Clara Lopez (European Spallation Source ERIC) Francesco Piscitelli (European Spallation Source ERIC) Mr Jim Nightingale (STFC - ISIS)

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