Instrument Construction and Technologies SP Seminar Series (2/7)
MrRobert Connatser(ESS)
Tankartanken (ESS)
The Instrument Construction and Technologies Sub-Project would like to invite you to a regular seminar series. The intent of these seminars is to disseminate information from within the Sub-Project to all interested parties and provide a forum for questions and discussion of relevant topics. Talks will take 30 minutes with an additional 30 minutes for questions and discussion.
The first seminar will be "Build a Neutron Scattering Instrument" - a discussion of the constituents of an instrument and images to give an indication of scale based on experiences at SNS.
The second seminar will be "Instruments and XLPM" - how an instrument project fits into the XLPM tollgates and phases.
A future seminar will be "Instrument Construction at ESS: Process and Roles" - an opportunity for all to see what is currently planned.
The following four seminars will be given by the Technology Work Package Managers (i.e. the technology group leaders), with topics and order not yet defined. After that, we will welcome suggestions on topics.
A future seminar will be "Instrument Construction at ESS: Process and Roles" - an opportunity for all to see what is currently planned.