Sep 25 – 26, 2017
The European Spallation Source
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Event description



Invitation to

The European Spallation Source

Horizon 2020 (H2020-INFRADEV-1-2015-1)

French BrightnESS Workshop: Engineering aspects of ESS


25th and 26th September 2017

Tunavägen 24, 223 63 Lund

Since the summer of 2014, the construction of the European Spallation Source (ESS) has begun and is currently well underway. The present construction phase is co-financed in the form of cash and in-kind contributions. In-kind contributions from partner countries is of the order of 41 % of the 1.843 B€ total construction cost and allow to build and develop ESS with a wide range of expertise coming from all over Europe. One of the key challenge of the WP2 BrightnESS project is to « maximise the possibility for ESS and in-kind partner organizations to deliver value during the Construction Phase ».

France is one of the in-kind partner countries with an 8 % contribution to the total construction cost. Both largest research organisations in France, CNRS and CEA, are highly involved to deliver technical contribution for the linear proton accelerator, the neutron scattering instruments and the integrated control systems. French in-kind contracts concerning the Accelerator are already on going and most of them will be active in 2017. Whereas those concerning the Instruments are being specified and will be active later on.

Much effort has been made to inform engineers from French partners, build awareness and promote behaviors that contribute to best practices when working on in-kind contribution. However there might be a lack of information concerning this process for French industrial partners. In order to address this issue and in line with the BrightnESS WP2, the Gallia Hub is organising a workshop to assist engineers from French companies in the achievement of best in-kind practices. Covered topics include quality assurance and control, vacuum technology, alignment technology, system interfaces and integration tools among others. The draft agenda is based on a joint thinking between French partners and ESS.

This two-day event will take place the 25th and 26th of September in Lund. The event is on invitation only and planned for about 20 participants on a first come first serve basis with equal distribution to companies. A small fee of 150 € will be asked in order to reserve a spot. Travel and accommodation costs will be at the expense of participants. Please register here

The event will start at the beginning of the afternoon with a light lunch for welcoming follow by an overview on the technical status and the visit of the ESS construction site. On the evening, an Industrial session will be organized in order to foster discussions between participants and ESS colleagues. The second day will be dedicated to engineering aspects with the possibility on the afternoon to meet ESS engineers.


The European Spallation Source ERIC

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a Partnership of European Nations committed to the goal of collectively building and operating the world's leading facility for research using neutrons. The ESS is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium with 12 member and 3 observer countries, including the two host countries Sweden and Denmark.



BrightnESS is a European Union-funded project within the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme in support of the European Spallation Source (ESS), a partnership of several European nations working together to build the world’s next-generation neutron science facility. The BrightnESS programme is designed to ensure that key challenges are met in order to build an ESS that can deliver high-impact scientific and technological    

This project has received funding from the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No 676548.