Ryan Slominski
Theo Larrieu
(Jefferson Lab)
Jefferson Lab’s Web Extensible Display Manager (WEDM) allows staff to access EDM control system screens from a web browser in remote offices or from mobile devices. Native browser technologies are leveraged to avoid installing and managing software on remote clients such as browser plugins, tunnel applications, or a full EPICS and EDM environment. Since standard HTTP ports are used network firewall exceptions are minimized. To avoid security concerns from remote users modifying a control system WEDM exposes read-only access and basic web authentication can be used to further restrict access. Updates of monitored EPICS Channel Access PV record fields are delivered via WebSocket using a web gateway. Screens are translated to HTML with SVG following the EDM’s EDL file vector drawing rules to create faithful screen renderings. The WEDM server parses EDL files directly in real-time allowing existing screens to work as is. Alternatively, the familiar drag and drop EDM screen creation tool can be used to create optimized screens sized specifically for smart phones and then rendered by WEDM.
Primary author
Ryan Slominski
Theo Larrieu
(Jefferson Lab)