7 October 2017
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

EPICS at Cooler Synchrotron (COSY)

7 Oct 2017, 12:30
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Avinguda Diagonal, 661-667 08028 Barcelona


Mr Jan Malec (Cosylab)


The Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) is an accelerator and a synchrotron located in Jülich, Germany and operated by Forschungszentrum Jülich. Cosylab introduced EPICS to COSY's control system and developed an orbit control application running in a feedback loop on top of it. As a result, COSY is now running a distributed control system and is better prepared for future experiments that require a higher level of orbit control.
Talk Length 15 Minutes

Primary author

Mr Jan Malec (Cosylab)

Presentation materials