7 October 2017
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

Extending mbbiDirect and mbboDirect to 32 bits

7 Oct 2017, 15:10
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Avinguda Diagonal, 661-667 08028 Barcelona


Dr Dirk Zimoch (PSI)


The two bit field records mbbiDirect and mbboDirect have 32 bit RVAL fields already but only a 16 bit VAL field and bit fields B0-BF. I present the extension to 32 bit VAL fields with additional bit fields B10-B1F and its implications for device supports.
Talk Length 5 Minutes

Primary author

Dr Dirk Zimoch (PSI)

Presentation materials