7 October 2017
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

The Lua Chunk Vault, an Enhancement to EPICS Base

7 Oct 2017, 16:45
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Avinguda Diagonal, 661-667 08028 Barcelona


Mr Jeff Hill (LANSCE)


Within EPICS base, LANSCE has multiple independent Lua contexts. They exist for implementing an enhanced Lua-based EPICS shell, the Lua-based scripting record, and for implementing advanced Lua-based subscription update filtering within the Channel Access Server. It is necessary to populate new Lua contexts with application specific code segments. Furthermore, efficiency requirements increase when instantiating independent Lua contexts on behalf of each TCP circuit connecting to the Channel Access server, and therefore higher throughput alternatives in contrast to simply loading and compiling Lua code from text files are necessary when instantiating each new Lua context.
Talk Length 15 Minutes

Primary author

Mr Jeff Hill (LANSCE)

Presentation materials