1: Motion safety 2: Wiring and cabling
13:15 - 15 mins: Description of safety circuits (Klaus Bussman) 13:30 - 15 mins: Introduction to hazards on LOKI (Nick Webb) 13:45 - 60 mins: Group analysis of mitigate hazards (Groups) 14:45 - 30 mins: Calculations for safety analysis (Oliver Listing)
13:30 Introduction: Basics on shielded cables (Thomas) 13:50 Principles of EMC for MC cables and what to use when: Twisted pairs, outer shielding, inner shielding, mechanical design of connection boxes (Thomas) 14:10 Practical examples of problems (e.g. the problems and measurements at the V20 beam line): Concerned frequency ranges, measurements, problems/effects, possible measures (Jörg...