#ENRIITCyourCoffee Season 3!
Episode 6: “Towards the new EU Strategy on Technology Infrastructures”
Join the discussion via the Zoom link below!
The European Commission launched a new ERA action specifically on Technology Infrastructures. The EC DGs of interest are today working on a setting a new strategy on those type of infrastructures to complement the activities already done under ESFRI for and with research infrastructures.
But what does "technology infrastructures" mean? It refers to facilities and resources, used either for technology development activities at intermediate TRLs or for both. Technology Infrastructures can be physical, virtual or a combination of both and, typically, they can have two main purposes:
- Co-creation, development and maturation of upcoming "breakthrough" and highly innovative key enabling technologies with the potential of creating new markets;
- Transfer to and effective uptake of existing commercially available technology by the market, often in different domains, also called "broad roll out".
Want to know more? Let’s discuss with EARTO, the European Association of Research and Technology Organisation (counting over 350 Research Technology Organisations in more than 20 countries), who have been promoting this new ERA action.
The session will be led by Muriel Attané, Senior EU public Affairs Professional and EARTO Secretary General. It will take place on Thursday, 3 June, exceptionally from 10:30 to 11:00 CEST.
To register to attend, click the "registration" tab in the menu on the left-hand side of this page. Please do not hesitate to contact us at enriitc@ess.eu if you have any questions.
Are you interested in hosting a session? Contact us today!
ENRIITC is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 871112.