Nov 29 – 30, 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Contribution List

21 / 21
Sempere Bodera (ESRF)
11/29/21, 1:00 PM

Plans for next year & issues

Tobias Richter (European Spallation Source ERIC)
11/29/21, 1:20 PM

Plans for next year & issues

Fabio Dall'Antonia (XFEL)
11/29/21, 1:30 PM

Plans for next year & issues

Jean-Francois Perrin (ESRF)
11/29/21, 1:50 PM

Plans for next year & issues

Ornela de Giacomo (CERIC-ERIC)
11/29/21, 2:00 PM

Plans for next year & issues

Thomas Holm Rod (European Spallation Source ERIC)
11/29/21, 2:10 PM

Plans for next year & issues

Nicoletta Carboni (CERIC-ERIC)
11/29/21, 2:20 PM

Plans for next year & issues

Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY), Sophie Servan (DESY)
11/29/21, 2:50 PM

Contribution to PaNOSC and any issues

Ornela de Giacomo, Nicoletta Carboni
11/29/21, 3:40 PM

Contribution to PaNOSC and any issues

E Juncheng, Fabio D'all Antonia
11/29/21, 3:50 PM

Contribution to PaNOSC and any issues

Thomas Holm Rod (European Spallation Source ERIC)
11/29/21, 4:00 PM

Contribution to PaNOSC and any issues

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