27–29 Sept 2023
ESS Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

CERN’s asset & maintenance management application portfolio

27 Sept 2023, 12:30
TychoBrahe (ESS Lund)


ESS Lund

Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund Sweden


Goran Perinic (CERN)


CERN is providing a portfolio of asset and maintenance management applications to allow users to register equipment, aggregate information and data for it and record activities related with the equipment throughout all its lifecycle in a structured way. This presentation shall provide an overview over CERN’s current asset and maintenance application landscape that is based on a commercial enterprise asset management (EAM) application, with industry best-practice built-in. It will also explain how CERN-built applications are developed to complement the functionality and to fill capability gaps that have been experienced at CERN.

Primary author

Presentation materials