27–29 Sept 2023
ESS Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The journey to asset management effectiveness

28 Sept 2023, 12:00
TychoBrahe (ESS Lund)


ESS Lund

Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund Sweden


Mr Massimo Chiodi (CERN)Mr Dany Gain (CERN)


The Cooling & Ventilation Group (EN-CV) at CERN is responsible for the design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the industrial ventilation, pumping stations, cooling and fluid distribution systems for all accelerator complex and its experimental areas.

For over 30 years, the EN-CV Group, has been using an Enterprise Asset Management System to manage, plan and monitor its day-to-day operation and maintenance activities.

The Group needs to produce and exploit consolidated data on performance evaluation, industrial support management, budget, criticality, regulatory compliance, and energy consumption reduction to facilitate the efficient management of the activities across the facilities.

Following the evolution, construction, and consolidation of the laboratory's facilities over the last 30 years, data have been collected and stored in a heterogeneous way due to the continuous development of the documentation specifications; however, the evolution of standards, regulations, and best practices in the domain led the group to rethink the functional structures, maintenance approach, and the cost management through the EAM system, with the view to optimize and standardize operations throughout the accelerators complex in order to achieve effectiveness in asset management for the facilities.

The speakers will present the studies, the deliverables, the ongoing work and the first achievements related to data re-engineering of the EAM System within EN-CV Group.

Primary authors

Mr Massimo Chiodi (CERN) Mr Dany Gain (CERN)

Presentation materials