27–29 Sept 2023
ESS Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Asset and maintenance management at MAX IV – Present and future

27 Sept 2023, 12:00
TychoBrahe (ESS Lund)


ESS Lund

Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund Sweden


Mr Johan Thånell (MAX IV)Mr Magnus Klingberg (MAx IV)


MAX IV has been in user service since 2016. Critical equipment for operation of the facility are reaching end-of-life and needs to be repaired or replaced. It has become increasingly clear that MAX IV needs a cohesive strategy, structured plans and defined processes, and a supportive tool for managing assets and maintenance related to the machine and the beamlines.

The talk will cover a brief overview of the current state of maintenance operations at MAX IV. Further describe the evolvement of a central asset registers, plans and projects to create a unified maintenance strategy, as well as the development of a master plan to implement improvements in work practices and lay the groundwork for more efficient maintenance operations.

Primary authors

Mr Johan Thånell (MAX IV) Mr Magnus Klingberg (MAx IV)

Presentation materials