27–29 Sept 2023
ESS Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Lesson Learned from EAM Based Logbook for the Operation of Cryogenic Installations at CERN.

28 Sept 2023, 10:00
TychoBrahe (ESS Lund)


ESS Lund

Partikelgatan 2 224 84 Lund Sweden


Mr Lionel Conan (CERN)


The CERN’s cryogenic group operates and maintains cryogenic systems for accelerators and detectors. In this complex environment, the EAM CMMS provides advanced functionalities to reach the availability requirements of the cryogenic facilities of LHC and Non-LHC installations.

One of the key factors to manage the cryogenics operations and maintain the assets is the access to an integrated tool to track daily events and to allow interactions between the operation and support teams.

This tool called at CERN Logbook has had several forms over the years. It goes beyond the traditional integrated CMMS request intervention module and is a customised version of the EAM case management module.

A presentation of the upgraded logbook has been made for the 2018 AMMW. Now it’s the time to communicate on the lessons learned during the last 5 years, what evolutions have been added, what has worked well and what needs to be improved for the next logbook generation to come.

Primary authors

Presentation materials