Evens Moraba
(Necsa SOC Limited)
Neutron imaging is becoming an increasingly important diagnostic technique due to its complementary nature to X-ray imaging. The technique is employed in a wide range of applications in science and engineering [1–2]. Focussing of the CCD camera based neutron radiography (N-Rad) detector system is one of the keys to optimal data acquisition required for successful analysis of radiographs. The detector development plays an important role in high resolution neutron radiography and tomography. Several approaches for high-resolution neutron imaging have recently been developed, including the use of specialized micro-focusing optical devices [3]. Kardjilov et al. shows that the Cold Neutron Radiography and tomography station (CONRAD) facility in Germany uses a motorized camera stage for fine-tuning of the object distance in order to focus the image [4]. The N-Rad facility located at the SAFARI-1 research reactor in South Africa is currently being upgraded to include a state of art detector system with improved control over the field of view adjustment and lens focusing.
In this presentation, our approach to the N-Rad detector system upgrade will be described. This involves automation by means of image processing software followed by the electromechanical adjustment of the field of view and lens focussing using micro-adjustment devices, thereby eradicating tedious manual time-consuming process.
[1] Banhart, J., Borbély, A., Dzieciol, K., Garcia-Moreno, F., Manke, I., Kardjilov, N., Kaysser-Pyzalla, A.R., Strobl, M., Treimer, W.(2010) X-ray and neutron imaging – Complementary techniques for materials science and engineering. International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde) 101(9):1069-1079
[2] Kardjilov, N., Manke, I., Hilger, A., Strobl, M., Banhart, J.(2011) Neutron imaging in materials science. Materials Today 14(6)
[3] Lehmann, E.H., Frei, G., Kuhne, G., Boillat, P. (2007) The micro-setup for neutron imaging: A major step forward to improve the spatial resolution Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 576 (2–3): 389–396
[4] Kardjilov, N., Dawson, M., Hilger, A., Manke, I., Strobl, M., Penumadu, D.,Kim F.H., Garchia Moreno, F.,Banhart, J. (2011). A highly adaptive detector system for high resolution neutron imaging. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 651(1):95-99.
Primary author
Evens Moraba
(Necsa SOC Limited)
Deon Marais
(Necsa SOC Limited)
Seleman Ngwira
(Tshwane University of Technology)
Tranos Zuva
(Tshwane University of Technology)