Georgios Kourousias
(Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)Mr
Roberto Borghes
(Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)
We present a concrete example of research and development of a set of computational methods and the challenges faced for integrating them in the control system and workflow of a synchrotron beamline in operation.
An important computational operation in a set of spectra is that of aligning them to a reference spectrum. In X-ray Fluorescence this is referred to as energy calibration and may be necessary for fitting low count acquisitions. Typically this is done in a linear manner and sometimes requires user feedback. Automated methods exist but are often focused to specific type of data. We have recently presented [EXRS2016][1] such a new automated method that is based on a non-linear approach and is specialised for XRF data. The initial application in two different multi-element detector systems in the beamline [TwinMic][2] (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste) yielded promising results. The software is open source.
This poster presentation aims at introducing the method and highlighting the software strategy we follow in order to integrate it to the workflow of an operating beamline. This should serve as a case study where a novel computational method is introduced to the standard information workflow of a lab.
[1]: http://www.exrs2016.se/ "European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS2016) Gothenburg, Sweden"
[2]: https://www.elettra.eu/elettra-beamlines/twinmic.html
Primary authors
Alessandra Gianoncelli
(Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)
Fulvio Billè
(Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)
Georgios Kourousias
(Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)
Roberto Borghes
(Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)